JRF Full Form: Eligibility, Fellowship, Job Profile, Salary

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) is a highly esteemed fellowship granted to individuals pursuing advanced research within a PhD program. Offered by various organisations, including the University Grants Commission (UGC) through the National Eligibility Test (NET), this fellowship plays a crucial role in supporting scholars. By providing significant financial assistance, the JRF enables recipients to focus entirely on their research endeavours without the stress of financial constraints. Know more about the JRF Full Form, eligibility, applicable subjects and objectives.

JRF Full Form

JRF Full Form is a Junior Research Fellowship. It is a prestigious fellowship awarded to candidates engaged in advanced research as part of a PhD program. This fellowship is offered by various organisations, including the University Grants Commission (UGC) through the National Eligibility Test (NET) and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). The JRF fellowship provides essential financial assistance to scholars, enabling them to concentrate on their research endeavours without financial constraints. JRF recipients are entitled to a monthly stipend and additional benefits, thereby fostering their contributions to academic and scientific advancements within their respective fields.

JRF Full Form in Hindi

JRF का पूरा नाम जूनियर रिसर्च फेलोशिप है। यह एक प्रतिष्ठित फेलोशिप है जो उन उम्मीदवारों को दी जाती है जो पीएचडी कार्यक्रम के तहत उन्नत शोध में संलग्न हैं। यह फेलोशिप विभिन्न संगठनों द्वारा प्रदान की जाती है, जिसमें विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग (UGC) राष्ट्रीय पात्रता परीक्षा (NET) के माध्यम से और वैज्ञानिक और औद्योगिक अनुसंधान परिषद (CSIR) शामिल हैं। JRF फेलोशिप विद्वानों को आवश्यक वित्तीय सहायता प्रदान करती है, जिससे वे अपने शोध प्रयासों पर ध्यान केंद्रित कर सकें बिना किसी वित्तीय बाधा के। JRF प्राप्तकर्ताओं को मासिक भत्ता और अतिरिक्त लाभ प्राप्त करने का अधिकार होता है, जिससे वे अपने-अपने क्षेत्रों में शैक्षणिक और वैज्ञानिक उन्नति में योगदान देने के लिए प्रोत्साहित होते हैं।

JRF Eligibility Criteria

Candidates who possess the basic JRF Eligibility Criteria will be allowed to appear for the selection test. The section below comprises the age limit and NET JRF Educational Qualification that one has to fulfill. 

JRF Age Limit

According to the official JRF notification, the candidate’s age should not be more than 30 years of age. However, an age relaxation of 5 years will be offered to women applicants. Additionally, the candidates who belong to reserved categories will be eligible for the following relaxations in the upper age. 

JRF Educational Qualification

Candidates must have qualified for a Master’s degree in any of the subjects with atleast 55% marks from a recognised university. Whereas, candidates who belong to OBC/SC/ST/Third Gender/Person with Disability have to score atleast 50% marks in aggregate.

Subjects Applicable to NET JRF

UGC NET JRF examination is held for appointing Junior Research Fellowship for a total of 85 subjects. Here is the complete list of the subjects applicable to the examination.

AnthropologyVisual Arts
Bio-ChemistryAdult Education
BengaliApplied Geography
Business AdministrationAncient History
Chemical SciencesAquatic Biology
CommerceAtmospheric Science
Computer Science and ApplicationsBiochemistry
Counseling PsychologyBioinformatics
Electronics ScienceChemistry
EnglishClassical Music
Environmental SciencesCommerce and Management
Fine ArtsCommunication and Media Studies
ForestryComparative Politics
GeographyComputational Biology
GujaratiDevelopmental Biology
HindiDefence and Strategic Studies
HistoryEconomics and Development
Home ScienceEducation and Pedagogy
Human RightsEnvironment and Development
LawForensic Science
Library and Information ScienceFrench
Life SciencesGandhian Studies
ManagementGeographical Information Science (GIS)
Mass Communication and JournalismGeophysics
Mathematical SciencesHorticulture
MusicHotel Management and Tourism
PhilosophyIndian Culture
Physical EducationInternational Business
Physical SciencesJournalism and Mass Communication
Political ScienceLife Science (Botany/Zoology)
PsychologyLibrary Science
Public AdministrationLinguistics
SociologyNuclear Physics
Social WorkRural Development
StatisticsSociology and Social Anthropology
TamilWomen’s Studies
Tourism Management

JRF Certificate Validity

The UGC NET certificate has distinct validity periods for both the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and the Assistant Professor/Lectureship categories. The award letter specifies the expiration date, which varies for each category. Earlier, the e-certificate for JRF was valid for only three years from the date of issuance.

Objectives of JRF

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) aims to promote advanced research and academic excellence among scholars pursuing doctoral studies. It provides financial support, and encourages innovative research to the advancement of knowledge and scientific inquiry across various disciplines.

  1. JRF provides essential financial assistance to scholars, enabling them to focus on their research without the burden of financial constraints. This support includes a monthly stipend and other benefits, facilitating a conducive research environment.
  2. The fellowship aims for innovative and high-quality research across various fields. By supporting promising researchers, JRF encourages the exploration of new ideas and methodologies that can lead to significant advancements in knowledge.
  3. JRF seeks to enhance the quality of research and education in higher academic institutions. Attracting talented individuals to pursue doctoral studies, contributes to the overall academic excellence of universities and research organizations.
  4. The fellowship provides opportunities for scholars to develop essential research skills, including critical thinking, analytical abilities, and technical expertise. This skill development is crucial for their future careers in academia, industry, or research institutions.
  5. JRF encourages collaboration among researchers, institutions, and industries. By facilitating networking opportunities, it helps scholars build professional relationships that can lead to collaborative research projects and knowledge exchange.
  6. By supporting research that addresses societal challenges and contributes to scientific advancements, JRF plays a vital role in national development. The research outcomes can lead to innovations that benefit various sectors, including health, technology, and education.

Junior Research Fellowship Stipend

Candidates qualifying for the JRF will be eligible to draw a fixed stipend for the prescribed duration of their fellowship. The qualifying candidates will be considered as JRF (Junior Research Fellow) appointed for a duration of two years. However, based on the performance, the appointing university can extend the duration for upto three years on the SRF (Senior Research Fellow). Here are the major details of the JRF Fellowship Stipend.

UGC NET JRF Fellowship
DesignationJRF Stipend
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)₹37,000
Senior Research Fellow (SRF)₹42,000

JRF Allowances

Apart from the fixed stipends promised to the candidates, one will also be eligible to withdraw the following allowances

  • House Rent Allowance (HRA): Research fellows are entitled to a House Rent Allowance in accordance with Central Government regulations. However, this allowance is applicable only if the fellow does not utilize hostel accommodations.
  • Medical Benefits: Medical allowances are provided by UGC guidelines and the specific regulations established by the institution where the research is being conducted. This may encompass coverage for medical expenses and access to medical facilities.
  • Dearness Allowance (DA): As of 2024, Junior Research Fellows (JRF), Senior Research Fellows (SRF), and Research Associates (RAs) are eligible for a Dearness Allowance set at 50%. This rate, determined by Central Government regulations, is added to the monthly stipend to help mitigate the cost of living.

Career Scope After Junior Research Fellowship(JRF)

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) opens numerous career opportunities for scholars in academia, research, and industry. With the skills and experience gained during the fellowship, candidates can pursue several career options the details of which can be checked below.

  • JRF recipients can pursue careers as lecturers or professors in universities and colleges, contributing to teaching and mentoring future scholars.
  • Many JRF holders find opportunities as research scientists in academic institutions, government laboratories, or private research organizations, where they can lead innovative projects.
  • After completing their PhD, JRF recipients can apply for a PhD, allowing them to further their research and gain additional expertise in their field.
  • JRF holders can work in R&D departments of various industries, applying their research skills to develop new products, technologies, or solutions.
  • With their specialized knowledge, JRF recipients can take on consultancy roles, providing expert advice to organizations in their areas of research.
  • JRF holders can also pursue careers in policy-making or administrative roles within government or non-governmental organizations, contributing to the development of research-related policies and programs.

Advantages of JRF Over SLET

The Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) offers several advantages over the State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) for candidates pursuing academic and research careers. Here are the major advantages of JRF over SLET:

  • JRF provides a monthly stipend and additional allowances, enabling candidates to focus on their research without financial constraints. In contrast, SLET does not offer any financial assistance.
  • JRF recipients are eligible to engage in advanced research projects, often leading to a PhD. SLET primarily qualifies candidates for teaching positions, limiting their research involvement.
  • JRF is recognized at the national level, enhancing the credibility of the fellowship holder. SLET is state-specific, which may limit opportunities outside the respective state.
  • JRF holders have better prospects for academic positions, including lectureships and research roles in prestigious institutions. SLET primarily qualifies candidates for assistant professor roles in state universities.
  • JRF recipients often gain access to various research facilities, funding opportunities, and academic networks, which can significantly enhance their research capabilities. SLET does not provide such access.
  • JRF holders are more likely to qualify for postdoctoral positions, which can further their academic careers. SLET does not provide a pathway to postdoctoral research roles.
  • JRF allows candidates to pursue research in a wide range of disciplines, while SLET is limited to specific subjects as defined by state regulations.


What is JRF’s salary?

The salary for a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) typically includes a monthly stipend of around ₹37,000, along with additional allowances such as House Rent Allowance (HRA) and medical benefits.

What is the JRF qualification?

To qualify for JRF, candidates must have a Master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field, along with a valid score in the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by UGC or CSIR.

Is JRF for PhD?

Yes, JRF is specifically designed for candidates pursuing a PhD. It provides financial support and research opportunities, enabling scholars to focus on their doctoral studies and research projects.

Is JRF a permanent job?

No, JRF is not a permanent job. It is a temporary fellowship typically valid for a duration of two years, extendable for one additional year under certain conditions.

Is JRF better than NET?

JRF and NET serve different purposes; JRF provides financial research support, while NET qualifies candidates for teaching positions. JRF is often considered more advantageous for research-focused careers.